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*The Physician Directory includes information about the healthcare providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more Trinity Health Michigan hospital and/or participate in Trinity Health Michigan’s clinically integrated network. The directory includes providers employed by Trinity Health Medical Group and Trinity Health IHA Medical Group and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.

Showing 1-20 of 1013 Provider Results

Ramandeep Aulakh, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Saint Agnes Care Internal Medicine
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-6310
Lisa Ann Golik, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Obstetrics & Gynecology

4.8 out of 5 (137 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Phone: (559)450-6388
Adele Alexandra Fields, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Diagnostic Radiology
Saint Agnes Imaging Center
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Phone: (559)450-6742
William Ezra Soltis, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner, Family
Urology Associates of Central CA
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Phone: (559)321-2800
Barun Aryal, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Diagnostic Radiology
St Agnes Medical Center - Radiology
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Phone: (559)450-3256
Steve Remington Stanford, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Diagnostic Radiology
Forefront Interventional Radiology Clinic
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Phone: (559)214-0767
Alicia Hernandez Punsalan, NP
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Nurse Practitioner, Family
Saint Agnes Care Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Phone: (559)450-2300
Saurabh Ajay Bajpai, DO
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Arnold Victor Escarcega, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Saint Agnes Care Surgical Services
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Phone: (559)450-7200
Parker Preston Davis, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Sierra Pacific Orthopedic Center
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Phone: (559)256-5200
Maulik Narendra Shah, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
St Agnes Medical Center - Hospitalists
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Musa Mohammad Khaliqi, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Arya Medical Group
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Phone: (559)431-9753
Mohammed Gafar Elhassan, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Saint Agnes Care Internal Medicine
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Phone: (559)450-4463
Avanti Vigg, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Saint Agnes Care Internal Medicine
More Location Information
Phone: (559)450-4463
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Online Scheduling
Saqib Rashid, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Critical Care Medicine
Primary Critical Care Consultants
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Jean Marie Linder, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine

4.9 out of 5 (218 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care LQMG
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Phone: (559)450-5777
Catalin Nicola, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Internal Medicine
Primary Critical Care Consultants
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Phone: (559)450-5672
Stacy Nicole Ross, PA-C
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Physician Assistant
Saint Agnes Care Orthopaedic Institute
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Phone: (559)450-2663
Robert Louis Bennett, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider

4.9 out of 5 (132 ratings)

Saint Agnes Care Cardiology
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Phone: (559)450-2630
Kristine Anido Garcia, MD
  • Saint Agnes Care Provider
Valley Children's Primary Care Group
More Location Information
Phone: (559)224-4365

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